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About You - Shreem Wellbeing

Hello, I'm glad you are here!

Are You Looking For Support To Help You Heal From Emotional, Health, Career,  Financial, Relationship Or Spiritual Challenges In Your Life?

Are You Experiencing The Effects Of Emotional Stress, Overwhelm or Trauma?

Are You Struggling To Cope With Grief And Loss?

Are You Overwhelmed With Anxious Thoughts, Overthinking and Worrying?

Are You Being Held Back By Your Fears And Phobias?

Are You Experiencing Physical Health Challenges?

Are You Looking For Pre / Post Operative Support?

Are You Wanting To Overcome Money Mindset Blocks?

Are You Feeling Stuck And Unable To Move Forward In Your Life?

Do You Find Yourself At A Crossroads In Life, Unable To Decide Which Path To Choose?

Do You Feel Disconnected From Your Sense Of Self Or The World Around You?

Do You Want To Release Ancestral Beliefs And Heal Inherited Inter Generational Patterns?


Have You Had A Spiritual Experience Which Are You Finding Difficult To Integrate Into Your Daily Life?

Do You Wish To Experience More Joy, Inner Peace,  Better Health, Success & Abundance, Meaningful Relationships /Careers Or  Freedom From Self Limiting Beliefs And Habits?

Whatever the challenge you are facing, I want to assure you that it is possible for you to feel better in the here and now.


With a trauma informed holistic approach to healing it is possible to shift from a state of fear, doubt & anxiety to a state of faith, trust & excitement.

I can help you change how you feel and experience the world by helping you realign with your True Self. 

What Is Your True Self? 

It is who you authentically are, when you are free from the self limiting impact of your life experiences, childhood conditioning, beliefs, behaviours and habits.

When you come into alignment with who you truly are and what you truly want then you come into alignment with the natural flow of life itself.


What Happens When You Align With Your True Self? 

- You Are No Longer Swinging Like A Pendulum Between Your Past And Your Future,        And You Become Grounded In The Present Moment

- You Feel Better Emotionally, Mentally, Physically And Spiritually

- You Respond To Life, Rather Than React To It

- You Experience More Peace And Contentment In Your Inner World 
- You Feel Connected To The World & Others

- You Become Unstuck And Are Able To Move Forward In Life

- You Experience Synchronicities

- You Are More Receptive To New Ideas, Opportunities And Experiences

- Life Flows With An Effortless Ease & Grace

I offer a confidential, compassionate, safe space in which we can work together to help you realign with your True Self, so that you can experience the inner freedom to live your best possible life. 

So whatever challenge you may be experiencing right now, get in touch, to see how we can work together. I offer in-person sessions if you are local, but I work just as effectively with my clients worldwide via Zoom Video Meeting.

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

- Rumi

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